Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Now Here's Something We Hope You'll Really Like!

July 27th. 2011. Day #1.
Let's see where this road takes us. Please be patient while I accustom myself to this new (to me anyway) form of media. I'm sure I will strain existing, as well as future relationships, here. I hope to find and make new relationships here. My objective(s) at this point would be to bring to light topical subjects in addition to anecdotal offerings. Feel free to rant, rave, agree, disagree, or just lurk. Let's get it started!


  1. let the ranting and raving begin!

  2. Wow....Three members. Only 86,591,998 to go!

  3. It is time to step back from the edge of the roof top and step back, TO THE TOP OF THE ROOF!

  4. Subject: Dream Act

    Good Afternoon Governor Brown,
    My name is Gary Justus, and I voted for you last year. The purpose and intent of this letter is to let you understand my complete and total objection to the signing of this (in part) "Dream Act Act" bill. I see this bill as ANTI-AMERICAN and a slap in the face to ALL AMERICANS (read: ALL AMERICANS). This is an outrage and makes my blood boil. Mr. Governor, have you ever studied, or even know of, "root cause analysis"? Have you heard the term "bloodless incursion". Where is the compassion for OUR OWN children in a collapsing and under-funded educational system that has gone from the top to the BOTTOM in a very few years?
    I have been unemployed for over 2 1/2 years as a DIRECT result of this economy. I have been unable to find work as a DIRECT result of this economy. Do you think that:

    #1-The unemployment rate in California is affected, at all, by ILLEGAL immigration?
    #2-Over-crowding in the classroom is affected by ILLEGAL immigration?
    #3-Privately funded "scholarships" won't come with/from hidden(or even open)agendas?
    #4-The public education and subsidizing of these "poor, unfortunate" children "dragged" here ILLEGALLY by their ILLEGAL parents hasn't over-burdened our tax coffers?
    #5-Your idea of "mosaic" is in reality an erosion of OUR culture when 55% of the children in the state's educational system do not use ENGLISH as their PRIMARY language!
    #6-Nationals, or PEOPLE FROM ANOTHER COUNTRY are, or should be afforded the same CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS as AMERICAN CITIZENS?

  5. Sorry folks, still wrestlin' with this.

  6. Let's see here. What is more nauseating, the Debt Ceiling debate or Kim Kardashian. These "so-called" representatives in the House and Senate continue to erode the credibility of this country not only here at home, but internationally. They are ALL a disgrace to OUR nation. And then there's Kim Kardashian. Why do SO many people follow her?.....Wait, I just realized......You can get a WHOLE LOTTA PEOPLE BEHIND THAT ASS OF HERS!

  7. Back to the "dream",
    "On Monday, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed a law that makes it easier for the children of immigrants--legal or illegal--to pay for college."
    "The Illinois DREAM Act begins to deal with the reality that we have about a million young people nationally who came here at a young age, were raised in the U.S., and do not have legal immigration status, yet they have aspirations for higher education, service, and contributing to the success of this country, the only country they have ever known."
    ~~~~~Folks, these are excerpts from a recently published article, not my words. I clipped these few sentences only as an example. It may be too late to save the country "THAT IS THE ONLY COUNTRY THAT WE HAVE EVER KNOWN". People, we'd better wake up, and wake up soon. Again, elected officials are circumventing the wishes and demands of their constituency for personal gain. American Citizens need to stand up and SHOUT; "We're mad as hell, and we're not going to take it anymore!". Get out and make your voice heard!

  8. Your rants are so full of shit. Out of work for 2 1/2 years as a direct result of this economy? Bull Shit you're out of work because you spend all day yelling "Pour Me" at the world and waiting for somebody to come and pull you up off the ground and tell you everything is going to be ok.

    Face it Gary, you are an asshole!! If you wanted to go to work you could. Everything is somebody elses fault. You do not want to take ownership of your own crap.

    Just get over yourself and get up off your lazy ass.

  9. Agreed. This guy is off work more than he works yet he manages to put thousands into a race car. Hmmmmmmmm living off the dole at it's finest
